中西式自助餐、中西式冷宴会、中式大盆宴、异国风情美食、巴西烤肉、花式鸡尾酒会、红酒品鉴会、商务会议茶歇、企业尾牙宴、公司团年饭、售楼处驻场咖啡吧、工作餐团送等上门餐饮外包服务、适合楼盘庆典,楼盘茶歇、公司庆典 、公司宴会、商务宴会、商务会议茶歇等等多种场合活动,是各位老板的合作商家
To undertake: Wai meal banquet, banquet, buffet, Poon Choi buffet, warm coffee and tea breaks, business reception, BBQ barbecue, cocktail party, buffet buffet buffet will come, takeout, takeaway, buffet door and birthday party, students will be happy, Teacher Appreciation Banquet, conference, reunion celebration, celebration the company, the opening, the opening ceremony, groups, community dinners, a proud tone of celebrations, the company expanded the business, anniversary, staff encouragement, community activities, spring should be linked, the engagement ceremony, cocktail party and all banquet service