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四川生物兼容性模克隆RX1805环保,山东医疗级模克隆RX1805材质证明,安徽纯树脂模克隆RX1805UL黄卡,山东模克隆RX1805UL |
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医用级 |
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PC Rx1805德国科思创Covestro Makrolon
Makrolon® Rx1805 45118 科思创RX1805 医疗级透明紫色PC 生物兼容性,高温辐射杀菌
糖尿病的治疗通常需要使用针筒反复进行痛苦的注射。然而,对于中国超过1.14亿患者来说,无针注射可以提供一种可行而有效的血糖控制方法。QS Medical Technology使用医用级模克隆®,创造了一个更便于患者使用的交付界面。
Makrolon® makes insulin injections easier and gentler
Diabetic treatment often requires repeated, painful injections using a needle syringe. Yet for more than 114 million patients in China, needle-free injection could provide a viable and effective way to manage blood sugar levels. QS Medical Technology used medical- grade Makrolon® to create a more patient-friendly delivery interface
Makrolon® Rx1805 45118 科思创RX1805 医疗级透明紫色PC 生物兼容性,高温辐射杀菌
Biocompatible Makrolon® houses new surgical device
Previously, surgeons had to subjectively determine how much pressure to apply to a knee implant during surgery. Now there’s a specialized device that provides real-time data, so they can adjust pressure exactly: the OrthoSensor™ Knee Balancer - with biocompatible Makrolon® Rx1851 polycarbonate housing.
Makrolon® Rx1805 45118 科思创RX1805 医疗级透明紫色PC 生物兼容性,高温辐射杀菌
Making material strides with new TPU grades for healthcare applications
Biocompatibility, chemical resistance and clarity are just a few of the key properties that many healthcare applications demand. As we continue to bring innovative materials to the market, we introduced three new Texin® Rx thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) grades that check these boxes and more
Makrolon® Rx1805 45118 科思创RX1805 医疗级透明紫色PC 生物兼容性,高温辐射杀菌
Polycarbonates help propel animal drug delivery breakthrough
Wearable drug delivery devices give patients a newfound freedom through at-home treatment. Despite these strides, animals are still often kept at animal hospitals with limited mobility. Using polycarbonate materials from Covestro, RxActuator designed an innovative device that is advancing drug delivery for animals.
Makrolon® Rx1805 45118 科思创RX1805 医疗级透明紫色PC 生物兼容性,高温辐射杀菌
Biocompatible Makrolon® is ideal for clear access cannula
Cannuflow needed a plastic with specific properties for its new EntreVu® EX product, a cannula used in arthroscopic hip or shoulder surgery. They settled on Makrolon® Rx1452 medical grade polycarbonate, because it has the biocompatibility, durability and excellent transparency they were looking for.